Thursday, June 25, 2009

Great Weigh In Today :)

Now, before anyone gets SUPER mad about my loss this week, after reading about ALL the crap I ate this weekend, please note that last week I was up 3.8 lbs because of the marathon. SO, my 2.8 loss this week, was GREAT and I am VERY excited, but it is really a 1# gain, sort of ;) BUT, because I am always saying "down is DOWN!" I guess I had better just party my pants off and whoop it up! So here is the breakdown of my point numbers for the whole week. Hold on to your hats guys, this one is BAD!!! I earned and ATE 27 activity points, I ate ALL 35 WPA, plus an additional 19.5 that I borrowed from my neighbor ;) I suppose that I don't need to mention that I ate all of my Daily Points Target too, eh?
I hope all of my blabbing is helping someone else, because it is REALLY helping me to see it all in black and white.
I was in a training for work a few weeks ago and the point was driven home, that we need to know our numbers... how many daily points we need to eat to lose? How many activity points we need to earn... and eat? How many of our WPA we can eat and lose. All of these numbers are truly crucial to getting to, and maintaining our goal weight. THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW THESE NUMBERS IS TO TRACK!!!! That is the ONLY way. If you hate to track with the traditional tracker, try the 3 month journal. If you love your smart phone or computers (or use them a lot anyway) try e-tools. Find what works for you and just do it!

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