The 1/2 is about half way through and we are looking GREAT ;) The RED HOT PINK CHICKS rule the universe ;) (Kelli, Marion, & Leslie)
As some of you may know, 3 years ago when I began my weight loss journey, I set a few goals for myself. The first was to run a 5K when I was 37, a 10K when I was 38, a 1/2 Marathon when I was 39 and a full marathon when I am 40. I have been able to keep my goals, much to my own surprise :) I ran the St George 1/2 Marathon on January 17th, 2009. I'll be 40 at the end of April, so I made it in plenty of time ;)

This is in the last mile and a half. Jon 1512, came back after his amazing finish to bring me in. He is in the lead, "Come on Marion, keep up the pace, YOU CAN DO IT!!!" Kelli 2506 ran the whole race with Leslie and me. Kelli is a REALLY fast runner, but ran with us for the fun of it! She is right behind Jon, "La dee da, isn't this easy? You can do this Marion ;)", then there is me 2217, "Huff, puff, I, puff, am, huff, going, puff, as, huff, fast, puff, as, huff, I, puff, caaaaannnnn..." Scott is unseen next to me in the blue hat and sun glasses. He ran an amazing race and came back to bring us all in strong. Thank heavens for Kelli, Scott and Jon!!!

The FINISH! As soon as my husband found me I BAWLED like a baby! ;D I am still a bit overwhelmed by the finish. What an amazing day!!!
Way to go Marion!!!! We are so proud of you and you look fabulous!!
Thanks Mandy! :)
Amazing Marion! Congrats on achieving our goals!
You are TRULY MARVELOUS!!!! You did so awesome (and I will pay you later for calling me super fast!) I do look like I am singing something on that picture, not sure what it was!
Kelli- You are the BEST in the WHOLE world and you are a speedy fast runner womanimal!!! (((hugs)))
Thanks everyone! It was super cool to have that notch on my belt ;)
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