Wednesday, March 12, 2008

BLT's- Great Sandwich- BAD Habit!

I have probably confessed this before, but BLT's are going to be the DEATH of me! For those of you new to WW (or just new to me, for that matter), BLT's are the Bites, Licks and Tastes that litter our days and plague our weight loss. I easily consume 5-10 POINTS of BLT's every day. It is a really NASTY habit that I have got to put an end to.

I made a poster for my wall, it states:
Skinny People...

Alright- so "skinny" isn't the most PC way of stating my goals, but "skinny" really speaks to my psyche :)
So, I started this morning, and really did pretty well- only 2 POINTS of BLT's today. I am really going to have to watch myself. I nibble on EVERYTHING without even realizing it.

Hey- if any of you out there have successfully beaten this Bad Boy of a habit- I'd love to hear from you!!! I am really going to hit this one hard for the next 30 days and see it I can give it the boot!

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