Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I just figured I check in to wish all of you amazing women a Happy Mother's Day.  Now, I know some of you maybe have not actually given birth to a child, but women have some very special and unique talents and gifts that make us indispensable.  I hope all y'all know that and are enjoying this special day devoted to YOU!!
Now for the tracking thing.  I am loving the Simply Filling Technique as usual.  It makes me SO happy when I realize all of the many things that I can eat.  I don't know why, but I really get in more of a rut with just counting points all of the time.  I am feeling more liberated.  I am also, as prescribed by the SFT (Simply Filling Technique), paying a ton more attention to my feelings of hunger and fullness.  I am very happy.  Now for dinner tonight, I did go WAY over satisfaction with fresh shrimp, grilled steak, chicken and veggies, but HEY, it wasn't fudge or red vines ;)  I'd like to splurge on some plain fat free Greek yogurt with berries, but I'm full.  It will have to be my treat tomorrow. ;)
Have a GREAT evening!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy MOthers Day, I did not track to day as it was mothers day, and I did not track yesterday because I ran the 5k or the day befor because it was the day before the run.... and I miss it it keeps me honest... so here is to tomarrow and back to a work out schedual and to tracking points !!! Shawna