Sunday, June 21, 2009


light string cheese 1 pt
5.5 oz V8 ....0 points
Caramel 1 Point bar
Playground Granola bar ...3 points
hot dog....3 points
1 piece of whole wheat bread.. 1point
light string cheese.... 1 pt
5.5 oz V8 ...0 points
1 C pasta with tomatoes and fresh basil --- 4 points
4 oz avocado 4 points
1 t olive oil 1 point
5.5 oz V8.. 0 points
1 C 94% ff popcorn w/ 2 t olive oil... 3 points
playground granola bar.. 3 pts
and can you guess... 5.5 oz v8... 0 points

I was exactly on my points today. YIPPEE and HALLELUJAH!!! I was counting 1 point for my V8's but when I typed them in to e-tools, each can was actually 0 points. I am going to see how that works for me ;)
Now, today, Sunday, Father's Day is going to be a bit of a challenge. I sat down last night to figure out how I was going to get in all of the treats I had planned for my husband. It should all fit if I can just stick to the plan. It's going to take a nap and a TON of Diet Pepsi! I'll report later. Wait... TOO LATE!!! So far I have succumbed to some Charleston Chews (4 points), and some chips (3 points) and fruit (1 point) at lunch. I am going to have to forgo the key lime pie if I want to stick to my points budget. Darn my quad! I should have about 20 more activity points that I could use as a slush fund, but no luck :p I can have the Key Lime Pie for breakfast tomorrow :) I am going to track it right now :) I'll have a piece of pie and a 5.5 oz of V8 :) The breakfast of champions. I'd better go and mentally rehearse me not eating the pie right now. Please pray for me :D

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